Helping you achieve your goals

We all have the resources and internal capabilities to achieve our objectives and own our change, but sometimes we need a little bit of help along the way.
This is where I can help. As your thinking partner and helpful challenger, I can help you to achieve your goals by focusing on three different types of coaching:
Executive & Leadership
Having held leadership positions in the corporate world I know how isolating it can be. Executive and leadership coaching offers leaders the opportunity to work through their challenges with someone who is independent, who listens and who can provide them with the opportunity to think from different perspectives.
This type of coaching is often sponsored (and funded) by the client’s manager or mentor so it is important to be very clear on goal alignment across all parties.
Personal Development
Our negative self-talk and the stories we tell ourselves often get in the way of us having the confidence to do something different or take on a new challenge. This coaching focuses on identifying what is stopping you, learning to let it go and creating new habits to stop that imposter syndrome from taking over.
Business & Career
Have you been thinking about learning a new skill, getting promoted, seeking out a new role in a different company or even making the ultimate leap and setting up your own business - but you are not sure about what to do? If this is the case, then business or career coaching may be for you.
There is often a lot of confusion and misunderstanding about what coaching really is, so here is my definition: A coach is an equal thinking partner for their client. Through listening, questioning, observation, and feedback, the coach supports their client in defining their vision and assists them in focusing on the development of their specific goals, actions and the motivation required to enable change.
A coach can also be an invaluable non-judgemental sounding board for their client, creating a supportive space where they will listen with curiosity and will reflect their client’s views and experiences back to them to help them grow their understanding and self-awareness.
The transformative nature of coaching occurs through the client being ultimately responsible for the results they create. It is future focused.

For coaching to be truly effective it is important to build a relationship of trust between the coach and the client.
If the chemistry is not there then it won’t work so before any coaching starts, I always have a ‘get to know you’ chemistry meeting where we talk about what to expect in the coaching relationship and agree on the next steps.
As your coach I will:

As part of my coaching practice, I may make occasional use of tools such as personality profiling or other exercises to enhance your self-understanding. This approach also helps me to understand you better so that I can tailor my coaching to your preferred learning style.