My journey and how Enable Excellence began

Enable Excellence was created in 2016 when I decided to leave the comfort and security of paid employment in the corporate world.
After having worked for IBM for over 23 years it was a huge step to take, but I decided that if I didn’t make the leap, I would never do it.
My time in IBM gave me the opportunity to work cross culturally as a leader in worldwide and European teams. From 1999 I made the move into Human Resources and after completing my CIPD diploma I moved around a number of HR functions finally settling in Leadership Development.
The nine years in the Learning & Development team allowed me to hone my skills and expertise as a facilitator, consultant, and manager. I built my experience in traditional classroom based courses, virtual environments and large-scale events with internal and external clients in the public and private sectors. IBM was way ahead of the curve in terms of blended learning solutions, and I have been operating in this space for over 15 years.
Since setting up Enable Excellence I have continued my own learning and have become a certified ILM Executive Coach and Mentor.
I work with a broad spectrum of clients ranging from global Fortune 500 companies to local charities.

What makes me different?
My design and delivery of learning solutions is focused on meeting specific client needs. Whilst many of the concepts will not be new, I package and deliver them in a way that makes them relevant and impactful to each individual. By focusing on mind-set shift and long term positive growth I provide an environment where people have time to think and challenge their beliefs and assumptions. I encourage participants to focus on themselves with the view to increasing their self-awareness, which can be challenging to do in today's dynamic and ever changing environment.
Why choose me?
People are at the heart of every organisation.
I will work with you to design and deliver learning solutions that are fun, engaging and impactful. It’s not just about putting theory into practice; the emphasis is on encouraging participants to take ownership for their own development. Too many training programs rely on pushing people through a system without to holding people accountable for their long term growth. My approach not only benefits each individual but also the organisation; happy, motivated, skilled employees are key to business success.
Some examples of client satisfaction:

Overall satisfaction with health and wellbeing webinars
Overall satisfaction with in-person training
Overall satisfaction with empowering women programmes
Overall satisfaction with coaching
My commitment to you

Facilitated conversations

Keeping it real




Practical approach

Meets your needs

Meet the team
Hi, my name is Fitz and I am the chief motivator and smile generator.
I take pleasure in making myself known when Debbie is training or coaching by jumping on her lap and wrapping my tail around her neck. Many people have given me feedback that it makes their day when Debbie lifts me up so they can see me on camera.
If you are lucky you may get the opportunity to meet me too!